NCSD Attended China Investment Association EIC Inaugural Meeting

January 20th, 2018 – Representing NCSD, Mr. Eric Fang, President of NCSD and Chairman of Sinoaccess Group was invited to attend the inaugural meeting of Energy Investment Committee (EIC) of China Investment Association in Beijing. More than 100 key members, representatives and industry experts from China Energy Investment Committee participated in the meeting. The Energy Investment Committee is an industry professional organization under China Investment Association. Its goal is to work with the government energy policy related agencies, local governments, industry institutions and enterprises in assisting in framework establishment, providing policy related studies to promote industry innovation, green and renewable…

NCSD Signed Strategic Agreement with PARK CHINA Holdings

January 10th, 2018 – The National Center for Sustainable Development (“NCSD”) signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Park China Holdings Limited (“Park China”). According to the agreement, the Parties expect to utilize NCSD’s 18 years experiences in managing with government resources, policies, regulations and project related agencies and project development/management in both China and the United States, and Park China’s advantages in the industrial park planning, development, investment, operation management and Park China’s brand influence in China, to jointly create a Sino-U.S. Bilateral Small Business Innovation Industrial Park aims to share industrial resources of the Parties and achieve the strategic…

NCSD Signed Strategic Agreement with Guizhou PRA

December 11th, 2017 – Mr. Eric Fang, the President of the National Center for Sustainable Development (NCSD) visited GuiZhou International and Domestic Public Relations Association (GZIDPRA) which located at Guiyang City in GuiZhou Province. Mr. Fang met with Mr. Qi Xinchao, the Chairman of GZIDPRA, and had an in-depth discussion with GZIDPRA management team. During his visit, Mr. Fang represented NCSD executed a strategic cooperation agreement with GZIDPRA. According to the agreement, the Parties plan to cooperate with GWU-EEMI to launch “Sino-US Environmental and Ecological Restoration Data Management “Think Tank” to help China to build a practical data management solution.…

FPDOF Senior Delegation visited NCSD Head Office

Washington D.C. — December 8th, 2017 Mr. Mitchell Stanley, the Chairman of the National Center for Sustainable Development (NCSD) and Ms. Pei Ximei, the VP of Business Development of NCSD met with the senior delegation led by Mr. Wu Nanxiang, the Director General of Fujian Provincial Department of Ocean and Fisheries (FPDOF) in Washington D.C. The Chinese senior delegation included Director Shi Guohe, General Affairs Office of FPDOF, Director Huang Zhongchi, Fisheries Research Institute of Fujian, Division Chief Hong Zhenbin, Foreign Cooperation and Technology Division of FPDOF, and Vice-President Bao Lin, China Ocean Fisheries Association. The purpose of the visit…

Secretary General of CBCGDF Meet with NCSD Delegation

Beijing, NCSD, October 31st October 30th, 2017 Secretary-General Zhou Jinfeng of CBCGDF (China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation) met with Mr. Mitchell Stanley, Chairman & founder of the National Center for Sustainable Development (NCSD), Mr. Eric Fang, the President of NCSD, Mr. Craig Modesitt, Chairman and CEO of ENFOS and others of the team. The two sides exchanged views and discussed the global environmental issues facing both China and United States and potential solutions, and expressed their willingness to further explore the possibility of cooperation in eco-restoration, environmental remediation and eco-big data cloud service solution that will help CBCGDF…

NCSD Signed Strategic Cooperation Agreement with Elion Group

Beijing, NCSD, October 29th, 2017 October 29th, 2017 – The National Center for Sustainable Development (NCSD) and Elion Resources Group (Elion) signed the strategic cooperation agreement in Beijing, China. Mr. Wang Wenbiao, Chairman of Elion Group and Mr. Mitchell Stanley, Chairman of NCSD jointly hosted a high level strategic team discussion aiming at the sustainable development and collaboration between NCSD and Elion Group. Mr. Tian Jisheng, Vice Chairman of Elion Group and Mr. Mitchell Stanley, Chairman of NCSD signed the agreement on be half of the respective parties witnessed by Michael Hu, CIO of Elion Group, Eric Fang, President of…

Deputy Major of Jining Meeting with NCSD Chairman

Jining City, NCSD, October 27th, 2017 October 27th, 2017, NCSD team led by Mitchell Stanley visited Jining City, Shangdong province at the invitation of the city. The purpose of the visit is to looking into the possibility to establish a strong partnership between the City and NCSD and utilize NCSD’s resource to support Jining city’s new plan of economic development including agriculture, education, environment, renewable energy and bio-technology development to help to drive the next five year development plan by the city. Mr. Ren Qinghu, Deputy Major of Jining city hosted a key discussion with Mr. Mitchell Stanley, Mr. Eric…


27日,镇江崇实女中与美国斯威特布莱尔女子学院(简称SBC)正式签约,缔结姊妹学校,开展项目化合作。市教育局党委书记、局长刘元良和党委委员、副调研员窦玉成,市教育国际交流中心主任张国俊,市经信委中小企业综合协调处处长邬庭薇,镇江崇实女中校长顾康清等参加了会谈并出席了签约仪式。 当日上午十时,美国国家可持续发展中心(NCSD)理事会主席米切尔•斯坦利(Mitchell F. Stanley)先生,总裁方洪先生,高级项目经理付雅君女士,商务拓展副总裁裴习梅女士,镇江联络处主任于宁军先生等陪同美国斯威特布莱尔女子学院(SBC)校长梅雷迪思•禹(Meredith Woo)女士,交流与招生管理副校长玛丽萨•理查兹(Melissa Farmer Richards)先生专程抵达镇江崇实女子中学,进行交流合作会谈。双方在充分了解和协商基础上,共同拟定崇实女中和SBC缔结姊妹学校的合作框架,签订战略合作协议,以共建中美女性教育合作标杆品牌。下午,美国客人与崇实女中高二学生进行了互动交流,就女中学生关心的问题作针对性的解答,并参观了崇实女中校园、学生社团活动中心和“汉语国际推广基地”等。 为促进交流合作,推进合作项目,此前,美国国家可持续发展中心(NCSD)多次访问考察镇江崇实女中。镇江市人民政府副市长孙晓南专门批示并听取汇报,关心指导洽谈事宜。市教育局专门成立崇实女中与美国斯威特布莱尔女子学院(SBC)合作交流工作领导小组,由刘元良局长担任组长,窦玉成副调研员担任副组长,教育局相关处室、崇实女中、教育国际交流中心主要负责人为成员。下设办公室,办公室设在市教育国际交流中心,具体负责合作项目推进。签署的合作框架项目化内容主要有崇实女中与SBC夏令营、崇实女中与SBC大一体系融合、教师培训合作项、汉语国际推广、“互联网+教育”等。镇江市教育局将从教育国际交流合作经费中安排专项资金用于两校合作交流项目,美国国家可持续发展中心(NCSD)为两校合作提供全方位扶持和保障,美国斯威特布莱尔女子学院(SBC)为崇实女中优秀学生留学该校提供奖学金资助和其他优惠条件。

崇实女中与美国斯威特布莱尔学院 及美国国家可持续发展中心签署战略合作协议

10月25日,崇实女中与美国斯威特布莱尔学院及美国国家可持续发展中心签署战略合作协议。 美国斯威特布莱尔学院(“SBC”)是一所传统女校,位于美国弗吉尼亚州,学院STEM项目在美国享有盛誉。美国国家可持续发展中心(“NCSD”)成立于2001年,作为非盈利组织机构(NGO),长期致力于推动中美在教育、能源、环境领域多层次交流。 市教育局局长刘元良参加签约仪式。他表示,镇江崇实女中作为一所有着深厚历史底蕴的女子中学,精品化、国际化一直是学校的发展方向。他希望三方充分发挥各自的优势,在留学、短期培训、课程、社团等领域开展广泛合作,推进中美两国在女性教育培训方面的发展。 合作三方约定,崇实女中与SBC缔结姊妹学校,共建中美女性教育合作品牌;建立崇实女中与SBC夏令营项目,选拔优秀学生参加两年一度的SBC夏令营活动;崇实女中与SBC开展大一体系融合项目,进行留学培训;双方互派教师访问,开展教师培训合作项目,提升学校办学国际化水平;开展汉语国际推广项目,发挥崇实女中国家级汉推基地作用;开展互联网+教育项目,共同探索社团共建、课程共享、远程教研等合作。 美国国家可持续发展中心理事会主席米切尔•斯坦利先生,美国斯威特布莱尔学院院长梅雷迪思•禹女士,镇江市教育局党委委员、副调研员窦玉成等参加了签约仪式。


来源:中国绿发会 胡德平理事长与方洪先生 左起:龚家龙先生、胡德平理事长、方洪先生、小楠女士 日前,中国绿发会胡德平理事长等会见美国国家可持续发展中心(NCSD)总裁方洪先生,长联石油董事长龚家龙先生、小楠女士一行,共同探讨引进开发运行生态环境修复大数据技术的可行性。 该数据库将结合利用遥感技术数据,现场检测数据,实现为生态环境监测、环境公益诉讼、生态系统生产总值、自然资源资产、生态环境修复以及发展规划等提供大数据服务。 中国绿发会秘书长在随后的工作会谈中就具体实施提出建议,相关准备工作将于近期展开。 (信息及图片提供:中国绿发会、NCSD)


2017年7月28日至30日,NCSD总裁方洪先生受邀参加了在内蒙古鄂尔多斯市库布其沙漠七星湖国际会议中心举行的第六届库布其国际沙漠论坛。本届论坛是落实“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛的一次重要会议,国家主席习近平发来贺信,中共中央政治局委员、国务院副总理马凯出席论坛开幕式并发表主旨演讲,来自全球的300多位政要、国际组织代表、商界领袖、专家学者参加了会议。 作为亿利集团的特邀嘉宾,方洪先生与中石化集团前董事长傅成玉,E20研究院院长傅涛,昆山杜克大学环境研究中心主任张俊杰一起参加了“绿色产业与绿色金融创新”对话论坛,就绿色产业、绿色发展,以及绿色经济和生态金融创新机制等题目阐述了各自的观点。 库布其论坛成立十年来,已成为各国交流沙漠治理、推动实现联合国2030年可持续发展目标的重要平台。本届论坛以“绿色一带一路,共享沙漠经济”为主题,探讨加强“一带一路”沿线国家和地区防沙治沙合作,对“一带一路”的绿色产业与建设,以及全球生态环境改善具有重要意义。

库布其国际沙漠论坛在内蒙古召开 国内外嘉宾分享中国经验

【环球时报记者 薛小乐】第六届库布其国际沙漠论坛29日至30日在内蒙古召开,本次论坛主题是“绿色‘一带一路’、共享沙漠经济”。中共中央政治局委员、国务院副总理马凯,全国政协副主席、科技部部长万钢,斯洛文尼亚前总统达尼洛.图尔克等中外政要与各界嘉宾出席会议。 在29日的开幕式上,马凯首先宣读了中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平的贺信。习近平在信中强调,荒漠化是全球共同面临的严峻挑战。荒漠化防治是人类功在当代、利在千秋的伟大事业。中国历来高度重视荒漠化防治工作,取得显着成就,为推进美丽中国建设作出了积极贡献,为国际社会治理生态环境提供了中国经验。库布其治沙就是其中的成功实践。习近平指出,库布其论坛成立10年来,成为各国交流防沙治沙经验、推动实现联合国2030年可持续发展目标的重要平台。本届论坛以“绿色‘一带一路’、共享沙漠经济”为主题,探讨加强“一带一路”沿线国家和地区防沙治沙合作,很有意义。希望各位代表集思广益,为绿色“一带一路”建设和全球生态环境改善作出积极贡献。 马凯在主旨演讲中表示,党的十八大以来,生态文明建设被提升至前所未有的高度,工作力度进一步加大,荒漠化面积由上世纪末年均扩展1万多平方公里转变为目前年均缩减2400多平方公里,在世界上率先实现由“沙进人退”到“人进沙退”的历史性转变。中国愿秉承“丝路精神”,与国际社会一起努力,凝聚起广泛的绿色发展共识,汇集成强大的生态建设合力,共同推进荒漠化防治,携手建设绿色美丽家园,为维护全球生态安全、促进经济可持续发展和人类永续发展作出新的贡献。 万钢在发言中称,中国荒漠化治理取得明显成效,为全球荒漠化治理树立了成功的典型。回顾这些年的治理经验,有四个方面特别重要:一是加强对科学技术研究和集成技术的开发;二是加快科技成果的推广应用与产业化发展;三是不断完善防沙治沙技术及标准体系,制定防沙治沙的标准规范、国家标准、行业标准;四是推进防沙治沙国际科技合作。 达尼洛.图尔克表示,“一带一路”倡议是非常重要的倡议,而且可以是当今时代最为重要的倡议。我们可以把中国很多的沙漠治理创新与经验向全世界传递出去,共享沙漠经济。 论坛于30日闭幕,发布一系列共识。与会嘉宾认为,中国在库布其创造的“治沙-生态-经济-扶贫”平衡驱动发展的生态修复模式是“治本良策”。“库布其模式”对荒漠化治理的理念、机制和技术创新,是可复制、可持续的,建议向“一带一路”沿线以及世界饱受荒漠化影响的国家和地区推广。 责任编辑:AK01